Meet The Team


Marnie was born 09/03/23 at Popcorning Piggies Guinea Pig Rescue (now sanctuary). She is the manager of the group and makes sure that everyone is doing their work properly.



Maggie was born 01/01/24 and was adopted from Popcorning Piggies Guinea Pig Rescue (now sanctuary). She is the supervisor and is in charge of quality control for Cavy-Cravings.


You can keep up with the Cavy-Cravings Piggies at @pompeypiggies



Dennis was born 06/03/24 at The Cat Welfare Group. He is hoomans personal assistant (as he is her shadow) and is also in charge of quality control at Carni-Cravings. 


(Princess) Ram:

Ram is Dennis's sister (originally though it was thought they were a litter of 5 boys, but Ram ended up being my surprise princess). She is in charge of security and loves to sit in the peace and quiet of her window bed, watching the world go by.


You can keep up with the Carni-Cravings Kittens at @toebeansiblings