Understanding Guinea Pig Sounds and What They Mean

Understanding Guinea Pig Sounds and What They Mean

Hi there, Marnie here! 🐹 Today, I’m going to teach you something very important: how to understand what us guinea pigs are really saying. We don’t just squeak for no reason — oh no! We have a whole language, and I’m here to decode it for you.
1. Wheeking
This is probably the most famous guinea pig sound. When I "wheek," I’m telling you I’m hungry, excited, or anticipating a treat. It’s a happy sound, and you’ll hear it whenever I think food is coming — or when I see my favourite veggies (hint: cucumbers!).
2. Chutting or Purring
When I make a “chutting” or purring sound, I’m relaxed and content. If you hear me making this sound while you’re petting me, know that you’re doing a great job, and I’m feeling calm and happy.
3. Teeth Chattering
Uh-oh. If you hear teeth chattering, something’s not right. This sound means I’m feeling annoyed, angry, or threatened. It’s my way of saying, “Back off!” If you hear this, give me a little space, please.
4. Whining or Whimpering
If I’m whining or whimpering, it’s usually a sign that I’m uncomfortable or need something. It could be that I’m feeling lonely, my cage is too small, or maybe I’m just trying to get your attention.
5. Squealing
When I squeal, it’s usually a sign of distress or fear. If I’m squealing, check on me right away to make sure I’m okay. Maybe I’ve gotten stuck somewhere, or something startled me.
So, next time you hear me or my fellow guinea pigs making a sound, you’ll know exactly what we’re trying to say!
Cavy communication 101, complete!
— Marnie, the Cavy Communication Specialist
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